peng said"we arrange according to our birthday,tat's fair.
so the number became "8271" as yansan is the oldest haha(>.<)..then i was second.
of course "1" is the last as chin peng birthday is the end of year...
so we gather one ringgit malaysia per person.then we hav rm4,but we do know the law of invest,we never put all eggs in the same bucket,we half half buy "da ma cai" and "magnum 4d".then we continue our trip..
the result was showed at 16 may 2009,but we didnt win both.haiz i feel so sad..
then yesterday,we gather again at salam,on the way i saw something unbelievable..haha
there is a car plate number "8271" pass in front of my kancil. then i follow him o her.jz to take the pic..yea,finally i get it..this was the proof
so r we lucky?tmr i will buy the number again.hope tat will help us win a little..
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